Tradescantia pallida
Purple-Heart Spiderwort
Early Autumn 2021
- 9
Early Autumn 2017
- 19
Early Autumn 2017
- 5
Late Summer 2017
- 3
Early Summer 2017
- 15
Late Spring 2017
- 3
Early Spring 2017
- 12

Tradescantia pallida
Early Autumn 2021
Early Autumn 2017

#purplqueen GOOD MORNING TO ALL MY GT FRIENDS!! HAPPY FRIDAY TO ALL!! 🎶🎵 Rain drops keep fallin on my head, they keep fallin 🎵🎶 the rain has certainly done a job to my purple queen!😝

Howdy!! Yes I think it found us!!🍁🍁🍁🍁🌧️🌨️🌪️

@ShelleySnyder - Is this also called “wandering Jew”, or am I not seeing it correctly? Oh, & good morning.....late. It’s almost 4:30 🕟 here. 🌴🌺🐾

@cschulz02 well it is in the wandering Jew family , the all purple one I have never heard called Tha specifically 🤔😁💘😍

@cschulz02 doesn't look like my wandering Jew, but it is similar like @ShelleySnyder said

We call it Purple Heart

@FieryJude & @haleyt901 - Thanks to both of you for your help. Mine is purple & kind of runs & spreads along the ground. Shelley’s did not appear to grow this way, but the plant looked the same. I just didn’t know if it was the camera angle or my eyes. Or if I was wrong altogether. Sounds like mine might be a cousin. 🌴🌺🐾

@ShelleySnyder - Forgot to answer. Maybe I am still loopy, but at least I can feel my 💀 now. Anyway, maybe my wandering Jew is a cousin. It runs & spreads along the ground & is purple w/a small amount of the color green like yours has. I couldn’t tell from the pic how yours grows. 🌴🌺🐾

@cschulz02 tap the photo and you should be able to scroll thru pics of it. If they are grown in the ground they will run and probably root, there is a couple of different purple ones that really only vary by the intensity of purple, there is also one that's called pink stripe that is purple with pink strips on it that is outrageously cool!! There is all kinds of others to! Check em out!!💘😍

@ShelleySnyder - Thanks. I forgot, mine gets little pink flowers on it, so it must be that one. But how do you contain yours? Mine runs everywhere. 🌴🌺🐾

@cschulz02 mine is in a pot! It wouldn't make it thru a winter here. I always put it in a pot, right now the rain has flattened it🤣 💘😍

Beautiful plant @ShelleySnyder
Early Autumn 2017

#purplequeen #rain #upclose2017 ok now, rain rain go away!!

Rain, please come down South! My grass is brown. My plants are dry. I miss the rain, so clouds comply!

I have this! I never knew it's name. Very pretty

@ShellySnyder yes we need rain in the South Texas Border . Very Hot!!!

@happygardener2017 wish I could send it your way!!💘😍
Late Summer 2017

#tooeasytuesday #purplequeen

Never seen that one before

Never seen this before either. It's pretty amazing 😍👍
Early Summer 2017


I couldn't find a purple leaf one grrrr!! Love this ❤

@janelleabella do you check the house plant section? That's where I find some of my unusual ones💘😍

@ShelleySnyder o have started as I'm thinking that I need to get some succulents and work on my house planting skills. I just don't get how I do pretty good outside but not in!!!?

Was gonna go out and about today my day off but I'm whipped I worked a double 2pm-230am ugh I can't do that shit anymore lol

@janelleabella hey! The only house plants I have are snake plants! They don't like my gas heat!!😠😉

Lol @ShelleySnyder I have purple passion again & I'm not sure what it is lol

Happy Thursday ☀️ !!! Hope your day is going well.

Morning 💜💜💜

@columbiariver I am having a laid back day. Thank you and it's hot and humid ugh and tornado warnings buffalo getting hit now.

@janelleabella yikes!!! Relax and stay safe!!💘😍

Yours are doing so good!!! I wish mine would be like that :( they never stand up on their own and just fall off out of nowhere
Late Spring 2017

#tradescantia woopee!! I have my first bloom!! Pretty soon she's gonna strut her stuff!!👍💘😄

Not yet for me!

Love the colours with the pot 😍
Early Spring 2017

@BrookeAZ I got my purple heart!! Now I'll be looking for 'pink stripe'! It's official I've started my buying frenzy!!!😨😩🤔😂😉😄

I've got 5 Purple Heart plants, I just love them

@BrookeAZ have you seen the pink stripe? If you do your gonna like it!( you'll probably have to get some!)

I've never seen it, I looked it up though and I love it!!

@BrookeAZ I found it for the first time about 3 years ago , I've been able to get it every year so far and I'm hoping I'll be able to this year too cuz it is cooool man cooool!!👍😉

My friend gave me a piece a couple years ago

The best part of purple heart, is that it can grow from a cutting, has beautiful flowers and makes a stunning ground covering for the garden bed..

@LoganBaker1998 yeah purple heart is a great plant and the bright pink flowers are amazing but sadly it's not hardy in my part of the U.S. have you seen pink stripe?

@ShelleySnyder yes I have, it was amazing was doing some bring clean last year when I pull this old shrub out and there was a massive purple heart under the foliage of the Bush... score!! 🌱😊

@LoganBaker1998 how great that would be!! A nice surprise 💜

@ShelleySnyder regarding hardiness of the plant, buy some cheap teabags tear them open and put the tea leave on the top of the soil around the base of the plant, like mulch, and then whenever you water the plant, the plant will get extra nutrition from the tea leaves, add water retention and those lovely worms enjoy it immensely.. hope that helps a little..

@LoganBaker1998 thanks!!🖒😉
#tradescantia #purpleheart #upcloseandpersonal #bestofseptember still going, probably not for long though!
Such a pretty little flower 💜
@godfreye 💘😍
@hkyfvr thanks! I agree! I just adore the tradescantia flowers!💘😍
Very welcome. I hope mine flower one day. 💜
@hkyfvr mine only flower outside, 🤷♀️💘😍
That makes sense. A lot of houseplants do not flower indoors. 👍😊
#plants-with-animal-names #animal-named