Iris tuberosa syn. Hermodactylus tuberosus
Widow Iris
- Late Winter 2023
- 56
- 27
- Late Winter 2021
- 43
- 12
- Early Winter 2020
- 40
- 9
- Late Winter 2020
- 93
- 23
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 30
- 6
Iris tuberosa syn. Hermodactylus tuberosus
- Late Winter 2023
- 56
- Late Winter 2021
- 43
#iris #iristuberosa #iris-tuberosa #widowiris
Oh that’s special 🥰
So perfect 💛
Wow 🤩
Oh wow, I like that 💛🖤💛
Almost didn’t see it Sharon - it wasn’t flowering at the beginning of the week and caught it today, but it’s already on its way out so quite short lived in the tunnel - mainly cause it gets too warm in there at this time of year @sharonhayden
Thanks Is 😊 @islima
Lovely aren’t they Deb, not that big so easily missed. Lucky I saw it! @debs69
Thanks Jane 😊, certainly quite unusual, the black bits fold back after a day or so (like the one in bottom right) @pelly
Oh yes, I hadn’t spotted that, how unusual. These are going on my wish list 👍
Stunning 😍
Thanks Marilyn 🤗💚 @lovemygarden65
- Early Winter 2020
- 40
Little update from the garden today - not much in flower now but lots of new growth. This Iris tuberosa is growing well, think I’ll need to find a new pot for it next year as it seems to be filling this one up nicely. About 6-7 inches tall right now (from memory I think it was this tall last year when it sent flowers up) still outside, will bring in for the worst of the weather soon
Quite a few shoots too - only had three tubers last year so this is promising! One time I had many more but they all rotted as I had the wrong soil mix. Here you go @sieveheadsarah 👍🏼
I had a scroll to see the flowers. They're stunning! Going to have to wish list these, just so I remember how pretty they are
Oh wow, they’re about 6” taller than mine Richard 🤔 I’m really looking forward to them flowering 😀
Never seen this one before!
Lovely aren’t they Laura? They are quite a picture. First attempt wasn’t that successful but my second batch are doing well in the second year now @columbiariver
I’m sure they will catch up shortly. I think mine are ahead a little than last year. They didn’t flower till March but i reckon they will be sooner at this rate @sieveheadsarah
They are quite unique when they flower Kari 😄 @KariSamuel
I scrolled!! Very unique flowers! 🤩
- Late Winter 2020
- 93
Hello 👋🏼 - almost missed these Iris flowering. I’ve had them almost a couple of years now but they had never flowered, weak spindly foliage in the past, may have had them in too high a moisture retentive soil, so had to adjust a few things and this year they are performing much more strongly. Quite unusual green and deep purple/almost black flowers #iris #iris-tuberosa #iristuberosa
#unique #unique-flower love this Rich!💘😍
How spooky, Rich! I was thinking about you this morning and wondering why I hadn’t seen a post from you. Maybe you got my vibes 🤣🤣 I hope you’re well and virus-free 🤞😘😘😘😘
Aw thanks Barbara 😘 - all good here, just been a little busy with stuff. Had started a garden volunteering job too for one day a week, so that’s keeping me busy too @jacaranda
It’s certainly an unusual one Elise - shame i don’t have the same amount I originally bought as I lost some last year. But I guess I’ll find out how quickly they multiply @auricula
Thank you Shelley! Don’t see many green flowers, think that’s why I almost didn’t see them! 😂 💚 @ShelleySnyder
Thank you @queruqui 😊🙏🏼 i hadn’t seen it before and I a picture of the flowers and thought I’d try it. Certainly unusual 💚
Ooh this is fabulous Richard, it’s going on my wish list 💚💚
Hello 👋🏼😁😘
My pleasure Richard!💘😍
How beautiful 🤩
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 30
Just cataloguing some new tubers, planted 27th Oct 2018 #iris #iris-tuberosa #widowiris #snakesheadiris #hermodactylus
How did these do Richard? I’ve just ordered some from Farmer Gracy.
Hey Sarah! This first batch was terrible, all rotted 🙄😱 - possible kept them to wet over winter. But I bought some new ones last year and planted in a much better draining mix and they flowered well last year. They are growing well again this year, outside at moment and already in leaf but will keep them out of rain over winter and put them under cover soon before it gets too cold so they dry off a bit. Flowers are very pretty, but small! @sieveheadsarah
Oh no 🤨 I found a good website that had good info about them after I ordered them I thought I’d do my own investigation, glad I did as didn’t realise they like well drained rocky soil, so today I went out and bought some horticultural grit to mix in with my compost, fingers crossed they’ll be happy. How deep did you plant them, I imagine not too deep 🤔🤔
Not very deep at all, I think the top is only about 1-2cm below the soil. I’ve got them in a small 1litre square pot. Just checked my potting mix spreadsheet (yes, I have a spreadsheet listing each soil mix for my plants 😂😂) and repotted the new Rhizomes in 25% compost, 25% JI 3, 50% Hort grit 👍🏼 @sieveheadsarah
Ooh check you out with your spreadsheet 👍🏼 I’ll just do 50/50, I’ve not got any JI. I’m wondering if they’d be happy in a shallow alpine pot?
Was delighted to see this in flower. Everything has been covered in fleece in the tunnel recently so I hadn’t realised it had buds on it. Been busy few days, three garden club events in three days! As well as work and parents visiting at wkd. They have kindly donated to me two old garden storage units that they were getting rid of so I can demolish my shed finally. They put them together too 🤗
#iris #iristuberosa #iris-tuberosa #widowiris
That iris is amazing Richard! Aren’t parents great? 😂
So beautiful! Amazing color 💚
Oh wow , that’s beautiful 🤩
That’s so lovely Richard! Hats off to the parents!
How beautiful
I love this flower 😍 Aren't parents the best sometimes? Happy for you
Perfect little flower Rich, so unusual 👍
Busy, busy 😮 hope you get some down time soon 🐰
What a beauty Rich🥶🥶
I love this color combination.