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Profile Image Haley Acker


Fl. Zone 10a 🌱 I’m not a pro by any means, just a mom with a hobby. Succulents, veggies, and flowers are my current projects.

Duranta erecta 'Sapphire Showers'

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2022
  • Like Count 6

Two of two! This was the first one I brought home and HAD to go back for a second when I saw the pollinators immediately flocking on day one. It is leggy. It wasn’t pruned well? I’m learning myself, but slowly I’m cleaning it up and shaping it how I want #durantaerecta #goldendewdrops #goldendewdrop #sapphireshowers #goldendewdropssapphireshowers

  • Season Icon Late SpringLate Spring 2022
  • Like Count 2

One of two! Been loving watching them grow. The pollinators go nuts for these little shrubs! Bonus is I’ve learned they’re natives! Gardener beware though! All parts are toxic ☠️ including the berries (not pictured because I have been picking blooms before they can set fruit) #goldendewdrop #sapphireshowers #goldendewdrops #goldendewdropssapphireshowers #durantaerecta

