#hesperis #grownfromseed last year looking good in my #frontgarden border. Soon to be joined by nepeta, foxglove and heuchera ‘thomas’. Have a good day!
Grown last year from seed, I have a whole border of #sweetrocket just bursting into brilliant white, it’s going to look great! These are particularly night scented and really good for wildlife, so win win 👍 have a great day all!
#hesperis #grownfromseed last year looking good in my #frontgarden border. Soon to be joined by nepeta, foxglove and heuchera ‘thomas’. Have a good day!
Very nice Richard. Have a good day 👋🙂
Thanks Pauline, you too! @flof1952
Lovely Richard 😍
Pretty, look forward to seeing it with all the other plants 😍
Everything is really growing!! You did a great job putting that together!!🤗😊💕
Thank you Terri! I’m really pleased with how it’s turned out. @terrimclaughlin
Wow!! Impressive!!!