Paeonia 'Coral Charm'
Peony 'Coral Charm' (Herbaceous)
Early Summer 2020
- 13
Late Spring 2020
- 20

Paeonia 'Coral Charm'
Early Summer 2020
Late Spring 2020

My pride & joy. I love this peony so much, even more than Bowl of Beauty and that's saying something as she is most definitely a beauty!! Anyone wanting a new peony for their garden i thoroughly recommend as the colour is just amazing!! #peony #coral #beautiful

That is so beautiful! Still waiting for my rose-scented pink ones to come out, but my others don’t seem to be doing much. I can’t complain because I think they came from under my neighbour’s fence!! 😂 @prettylittleimagez

That is gorgeous! I’m dead excited now...I have this one but it’s never flowered and I have one bud that’s appeared!!

@mulberry You can never complain at a freebie!! But rose scented certainly sounds fabulous. 😍 Still got lits of my peonies to come into bloom, I'm just grateful I wasn't kept waiting long for my favourite

@rachelbrooks I was very lucky in that mine bloomed the first year I had it. This is only year 2 for me and it's looking like i will get 3 blooms this year

@prettylittleimagez did you buy this as a plant or grow from seed? I love peonies but only have them by chance, not because I put them there! Wondering if I should invest because I do love them... 🤔

Mine has flowered for the first time this year and the colour is ridiculously gorgeous- almost neon peach (if there is such a thing!) on the outside. 🧡

@houseofflowers Yes I know what you mean. It can be difficult to capture the true colour on the camera but this is about as best I could get today. The colour does begin to fade as the blooms age though but they are still bloomin' gorgeous!

@mulberry Bought as a bare root from Sarah Raven online. Make the investment, I'm sure you will love it!! I persuaded mother to buy it for me for my birthday 😂

@prettylittleimagez it might well go on my birthday list...along with a theoretical rose that @dan5584 might’ve convinced me to get!! 😂🤔

#bestofmay 💖

@mulberry are we all leading you astray??😂😂
So this is peony Coral Charm that I posted a few days ago, just before the petals drop. It fades to a wonderful creamy apricot colour. It's like having 2 peonies for the price of 1😁🤗 Which is a Win!Win! in my book 🤣 #peony #peonycoralcharm #beautiful
@awomanonabike Here it is just before the petals drop. What do you think on the colour?
Gosh it really does change doesn’t it 😃 Wonderful!
@awomanonabike I guess they are all a little different. The colour was much stronger on the picture you showed me so that might keep more colour 🤷♀️
Oh yes! Yes yes!
So pretty! 🥰
@dan5584 Thanks Dan. I do love this one sooo much (as you can probably tell!)
I think you’re right, they are all a little different. Mine is just beginning to open. Will post a pic later 😃
@mulberry Thank you 😘
Pure perfection 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
@plants Thank you kindly Judy
Fab pic 👌