Kalanchoe laetivirens
Mother of Thousands
- Late Winter 2020
- 4
- 1
- Mid Winter 2020
- 9
- 2
- Mid Winter 2019
- 10
- 1
- Mid Winter 2019
- 4
- 3
Kalanchoe laetivirens
- Late Winter 2020
- 4
- Mid Winter 2020
- 9
#motherofthousands is no exaggeration! #kalanchoe #succulent #babies
Only problem with mother of thousands, the invade every pot around it.
- Mid Winter 2019
- 10
My succulent pots at my parents house are all just shoved together and they’ve been neglected (so they’re all blooming, of course). So I moved my #motherofthousands out today and there were at least 100 babies growing in the old wet leaves collected between pots! Of course, I have to try to save every single one. 🙄 #succulent #babies #kalanchoe
- Mid Winter 2019
- 4
Why does this happen to my #kalanchoe ? When they flower, the whole stalk loses its leaves and I’m just left with a long bare stalk with new growth at the top. It’s happened to other kalanchoe species, too. 🙁 #bloom #motherofthousands #succulent #babies #help
@KelsiBriana 😢 I do have A LOT of babies, though.
Trim the flowers off right before they die. Could be getting too much water. It looks leggy as well. Mine is embarrassingly leggy, but thriving. Haven’t had a flower in a year. Time for me to propagate!
Some of the #motherofthousands in their own pot! #kalanchoe #succulent #babysucculents #saturday