Hakonechloa macra 'Alboaurea'
Japanese Forest Grass 'Alboaurea'
Mid Autumn 2024
- 6
Mid Spring 2024
- 2
Mid Spring 2022
- 3
Mid Spring 2022
- 4
Late Spring 2021
- 10
Late Spring 2020
- 2
Mid Spring 2020
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 10

Hakonechloa macra 'Alboaurea'
Mid Autumn 2024
Mid Spring 2024

Love the fresh new growth on the hakenachloa

Mid Spring 2022

#foliagefriday. Love this grass

@vec this is mine. It’s taken a few years to get it to this size

Looks lovely Joan 💛💚
Mid Spring 2022

#foliagefriday Carol Klein was dividing hers last night. Great programme

It was, I love her enthusiasm 😍

Haven’t watched it yet saving it until I can watch in peace- Carol’s my favourite🥰

You won’t be disappointed Elise @Auricula
Late Spring 2021

#foliagefriday it’s taken several years but I’m very happy with this now

It's a beauty Joan 💚💚💚

Thanks Jane, I saw it in a pot in a friends garden and was determined to replicate it. Had a false start( it died😂) but tried again. So happy with it now @pelly

Very nice!

I bet, you deserve to be 💚



This looks great! I find that mine grows insanely fast in full sun and insanely slow in shade, in fact it's kinda invasive in the sun!😳💘😍

That’s why mines in a large pot Shelley @ShelleySnyder

I understand that!😂💘😍
Late Spring 2020


Wow, that's looking great. Much better than mine that was split and moved last year. Hoping it will bulk up a bit now it should be settled!
Mid Spring 2020

Mid Summer 2018

Second year, so pleased with this beautiful grass

Morning Joan, that’s great, I’m just starting to get into the grasses 💚💚

I have about six now. Some small but a couple of taller ones too. They give all year round interest and colour @pelly

Lovely. Mine dies off in winter. Do you protect your Hakone Grass during Winter. I am thinking of putting I a pot

I love these, mine are in their first year and have struggled with the dry weather. Have you been to see the national collection in trimdon?

@Shephes I over wintered it in the cold greenhouse in the pot. It got down to minus five! It died down completely but is three times the size it was last year

Hi Richard I didn’t know there is a national collection in Trimdon. Must look that up Thankyou @rbetts25

No problem at all! If you search hakonechloa on the rhs website, the details should come up. It’s in someone’s back garden and you have to make an appointment but they were really interesting to talk to and that is where I brought mine from.

That's what I'm aiming for Joan, I've got four now, two of which are waiting to be planted up. I've lost quite a few plants to this heat and I'm thinking a major overhaul of my beds is in order, so I don't want to plant anything new at the moment 🤔🤔

Thanks Joan. I think that is the way to go here. No -5 but a few nights at 0-2. It is worth it.
Love it’s autumn colours #foliagefriday
@joanboston love the grass Joan, it looks like my hair on a good day. 🤣😂
Thanks Gwen😂 hope you are continuing to make progress @gwenniemom
Wow. Impressive
Looks fab! #autumncolour
Beautiful Joan ...such an mix of colours 👌😯