Verbena bonariensis
Purple Top Vervain
Early Summer 2020
- 0
Early Summer 2020
- 7
Early Autumn 2019
- 4

Verbena bonariensis
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

I'm growing a few of these from seed but not sure when to plant them @jaynehynesburton

Plant them now JP are they a decent size, they are tall so back of border @jpea

Thanks Jayne, I'll wait until after the storms today. I tend to put them through the border as they are so slim and wispy @jaynehynesburton

I love to see a group where you can actually see through and beyond them. A friend had a slope on her garden and these were planted where the valley was seen through the Verbena. It look amazing. 😊😊

I love them Pam got quite a few now. Bet they look wonderful at your friends @tiger123

So pretty. I’ve planted some recently. Can’t wait for them to bloom 😊

Oh they are lovely Angela, you'll be pleased you planted them @italydiva
Early Autumn 2019

Oh Jayney I could’ve given you loads of these...they’re popping up everywhere! 🙈😘

Well me Rachel !! Too late now 😂 got some cuttings too if they make it. Love this stuff, its looked fab in Mums Garden this year 😘 @rachelbrooks

Doh! 🙈it’s a fab plant. I’ve had it in every garden 💜 hopefully yours will seed itself about as well! 😘

Put my name on a couple me Lin 😁😘 @linfoster