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Hi. Am a grandma living north of Toronto in a small town. Love cats and beauty of nature. Hope to learn more to make my gardens lovely like yours🌸🌺
#arrowhead-vine #rainbowweek #green #lovethegreentones #lovelyplant
Yours looks so healthy.
Thanks so much Rachel. So happy it is doing well 💚💚 @Racheltheredhead
Thanks very much Katy. Really happy with this plant. 💚 @gjones
I wish listed something the other day by accident. So easy to do. 🤣😂 @gjones
#newtome #syngonium #arrowheadvine #greeenandwhite #prettyfoliage
Love it
Thanks so much Jason. Could not make up my mind. Was going to get another polka dot plant but was afraid I would kill it. 🤔😊 @hebelover
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#arrowhead-vine #rainbowweek #green #lovethegreentones #lovelyplant
Yours looks so healthy.
Thanks so much Rachel. So happy it is doing well 💚💚 @Racheltheredhead
Thanks very much Katy. Really happy with this plant. 💚 @gjones
I wish listed something the other day by accident. So easy to do. 🤣😂 @gjones