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Profile Image Heather Milyak


Hey I'm heather I'm a total plant nerd and have a zest for any plant knowledge my tiny apartment is a plantastrophe I can't get enough.

Monstera deliciosa

  • Season Icon Late SummerLate Summer 2020
  • Like Count 17

So i gave these two monsteras friend too. They didnt look all that great but I knew they would work themselves out and bam they totally did. The new leaves are beautiful and big. I have been unhappy with my monsteras at home so again I was jealous I didnt keep them lol but I'm so happy I'm able to get get collection going. I have given her like 25 plants so I can downsize and help her so she can save money. I knew there was a reason I propagated so much lmao


Thank u @cyndi I have even more to send her way I was gonna sell some but if she enjoys them and wants them I would rather gift them to her. At least I can see them and they are in a good place.

