Huernia zebrina var. Magniflora x Huernia saudi-arabica
Black Lifesaver Plant
- Mid Summer 2022
- 25
- 1
- Late Winter 2022
- 20
- 8
- Mid Autumn 2021
- 26
- 3
- Mid Summer 2021
- 17
- 2
- Mid Summer 2021
- 15
- 5
- Mid Summer 2021
- 15
- 2
- Mid Summer 2021
- 13
- 2
- Early Summer 2021
- 13
- 2
- Late Spring 2021
- 21
- 2
- Late Spring 2021
- 20
- 1
Huernia zebrina var. Magniflora x Huernia saudi-arabica
- Mid Summer 2022
- 25
- Late Winter 2022
- 20
What is this white crud & how do I get rid of it without killing the plant?
Yikes. I would apply neem oil. Covers everything. 😉
Looks like mealy bugs. I would clean them off and dab area with 70 percent alcohol. I also use insecticidal soap. They usually need a couple of treatments. Mine came back but are gone now. 😡🤞🤞
I do the same as @hkyfvr it does take some diligence and get it away from everything else as fast as you can.
That's just what I was wondering @hkyfvr -- once I know what it is I can find out what to do to kill it -- but NOT kill my blackstar plant
Best of luck. These pests can be hard to eradicate but with persistence you can do it. 👍
Little globs wiped right off with some alcohol on a Q tip. Neem is waiting as a backup. It behaves neither like a fungus nor like an insect so...? TY for input @hkyfvr @cheriej @boomitzie @txgardener
Very welcome. The mealybugs I had just looked like cotton as they produce that white stuff as protection. I never could actually see the bugs. They left a sticky honey dew as their waste product. They love my mandevilla. Thought it was Lilly’s hair at first. Lol. 🤦♀️🤷♀️
- Mid Autumn 2021
- 26
- Mid Summer 2021
- 17
#totallygoth #succulent #pentagonal
What a fabulous flower…
- Mid Summer 2021
- 15
BLOOMING AT LAST! #succulent #succulentsunday
Oh...that's #unique-flower 👍
That is amazing 🤎
Its super!
- Mid Summer 2021
- 15
The ever-enlarging flower bud with my pinky in the photo for scale. #tinytreasures #succulent
How exciting! #anticipation
- Mid Summer 2021
- 13
- Early Summer 2021
- 13
#anticipation -- I am pinning all my hopes in life on this miniscule #succulent flower bud
Fingers crossed🤞🤞🤞
- Late Spring 2021
- 21
- Late Spring 2021
- 20
Got on eBay looking for something else but HAD to have this as soon as I saw it. #notmyphoto #succulent #totallygoth
I'm a Blackstar, quoth the Bowie #pentagonal #blackbeauties