Pelargonium (Geranium)
Early Spring 2020
- 2
Late Summer 2018
- 3
Mid Spring 2018
- 12
Late Summer 2017
- 6
Late Spring 2017
- 4
Mid Winter 2017
- 8
Early Autumn 2016
- 8
Mid Spring 2016
- 6

Early Spring 2020
Late Summer 2018

The #pelargoniums have been amazing this year dotted in the borders - let’s hope i can over winter them ok?! Have a fab Friday everyone 🌺🌸

@carolecuttingitfine you have yourself a peaceful day too 💞

Thank you @lcgardens never peaceful but that's the joys of a 3 year old 😉
Mid Spring 2018

First of the #pelargonium that survived over winter in the greenhouse to show her colours - that’s one for the wedding containers! #white theme. Have a fabby Friday everyone 😊

Morning Carole, have a great one too 👋👋

Morning @pelly 😊

Morning Hun I’m doing some sweet peas and lace flowers for a friends daughter 21 bit nervous 😬 keep thinking will they be ready in time but I have got till August 🙄 have a lovely day 😚

Morning Carole, have a great day 🙌

Oh it’s a bit of a responsibility isn’t it @nessas I’m growing loads but luckily my talented floristry friend is doing the flowers with whatever is available from what we’ve grown!

Morning @juliesgarden thank you 😊 heading to the lakes for a few days so bit of a road trip!

Fortunately it’s nothing to elaborate just little jars with them in 😅 oh lucky you will make a fabulous display 💟

Still a responsibility thought isn’t it @nessas

Oh lovely , hope you have a great time , love it up there 👍😍

Thank you @juliesgarden - haven’t been for years so looking forward to it!

#whitepelargonium #whiteflowers
Late Summer 2017

The #pink #pelargoniums have been amazing this year and still adding colour in pots hidden in the borders #stillsummer happy Tuesday everyone


Super photo Carole ......happy Tuesday to you too :))

Morning Carole pretty ones 💞💞💞 caterpillars have devoured mine 😫

Thank you @flof1952 😊oh no @Keely I've never had caterpillars on them?!

That sounds like a great idea, Carole, hiding pots in the borders. Could you post a photo showing a border with hidden pots so I could get a rough idea of how you do it? @carolecuttingitfine 😘😘
Late Spring 2017

#pink #pelargonium grown from plugs last year and over wintered in a cold greenhouse, and not cut back in the autumn contrary to advice and it worked! Happy Tuesday everyone, looks like it might be a lovely day out there... 😊

Morning Carol they are looking super well done! You never know til you try 😄👍 Enjoy the sunshine 😎☀️

Morning @janric thank you 😊and hope you've having some sunshine too!

Its been a lovely sunny day Carol hoping for the same tomorrow 😄
Mid Winter 2017

#winterblooms #wintercolour the #pelargonium are starting to wake up in the greenhouse!!

Wow. Nice and early. I think mine have pegged it 😂

Oh no @susanhumphrey333 - don't give up on them yet if you can afford the space, mine played dead last year for a long time, but I had them in the garage, as I thought the greenhouse was too cold but they have been much better this year in the greenhouse!

Will hang on to them just in case as they were so lovely last year Carole 👍

Beautiful colour 💕

Pretty picture 💕

Gorgeous colour and lovely pic Carole 👌🏼💕

Nice Click 📷📷👌
Early Autumn 2016

#pelagonium potted up and safely in the greenhouse - can't bear to cut them back just yet..

I can't either when they look that pretty! 🌸🌸🌸

I have taken some cuttings, but wasn't aware they could be over wintered in the greenhouse. I still have two in the garden so might try this. (If we ever get the greenhouses up. One was supposed to go up yesterday but rain stopped play lol.) @carolecuttingitfine 😊😊

As we are in the south @pelly and it's relatively mild, I usually can get away with it, I have better success with this than cuttings!? But I do cut them right back when I can bear it and before the frosts come!

Thank you @carolecuttingitfine . I might as well have a go, I have nothi g to loose. As for the cuttings, I've never done it before so fingers crossed. 😊 😊

Still looking lovely so I don't blame you!

Some very pretty ones their I wouldn't want to cut them back with all those lovely flowers 🌺

#pelargonium #pelargonium-overwinter #pelargonium-advice
Mid Spring 2016

My only survivor from last year.. Who says cuttings are easy!?

@carolecuttingitfine When you take cuttings try watering the compost first with some copper sulphate solution . This will sterilise the compost and stop the cuttings from damping off and getting neck rot . Do this when I take my trailing Germanium cuttings . Got 98 out of a 100 . Not bad ha .

@russellcooper thank you so much for your advice, neck rot did appear to be a problem and I never knew how much and when to water over winter.. I kept them in the integral garage near the window hoping it wouldn't be too cold.. In comparison to the greenhouse... I shall aim for 98% success rate too!

Wow a beautiful survivor to :)

#pelargonium-propagation #pelargonium #cuttings #CopperSulphate #sterilise #DampingOff #NeckRot

@carolecuttingitfine Practise makes perfect. I should know as I've been practising for a long time and still sometimes get it wrong. Your survivor is a lovely soft delicate combination of colour. Well worth the effort 👍🏻
The #pelargonium in the greenhouse are awake!! #pink 🌸🌸🌸🌸
Beautiful 🦋🦋