Myrtillocactus geometrizans
Blue Candle Cactus
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 6
Mid Winter 2018
- 3

Myrtillocactus geometrizans
Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

I spy with my little eye... new boobs! is it? 🧐 it’s the first time i’ve seen any change at all with my myrtillocactus. seems thin at the top, does it require more sun or is this normal for the boob to be a little slimmer at the tip? 🤔 #boobcactus #myrtillocactusgeometrizans #cactus-tip #cactus-help

I would say normal, as not fully developed.

@cyndi - Yes, but mine has been confirmed to be a #mammillaria - so this identification isn't correct. @Yollymac - can you help with this?

@KariSamuel - unfortunately spikeys are not welcomed at my home so my knowledge is limited there. @cactusnut May know but I bet he’d ask for flowers! 😂

That's an odd one. I will have to try looking it up online or in my books.

@cactusnut - please tag me when you find out more, as I have 2 that are labeled as mammillaria 'toluca'. TIA
Mid Winter 2018

Was hoping to bring one home from the local horticultural fair (been waiting all week to go) and was not disappointed! Boob cactus achievement unlocked! #notmygarden #horticulturafilipinas #succulent

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks this plant looks like a tower of boobs.

#boobcactus #myrtillocactusgeometrizans
The boobs have grown 🍈🍈😄